True Vision Ghana


Major Achievements

• Over 65000 individuals reached with sexual and reproductive health, including education on HIV to enable them to make informed decisions.

• 30000 screened and tested for HIV.

• 100 caregivers of children affected by HIV/AIDS benefit from micro finance project.

• 10 health facilities and 20 schools benefit from free voluntary services from McMaster University and ….. from China

• 100 women vegetables farmers support to produce organic manure for their farming.

• 146 families affected by with HIV assisted with skills training to ensure self-sufficiency.

• Ongoing medical outreaches to schools, marketplaces, hard to reach communities, corporate bodies.

• Facilitated and donated Ghc4000 to install a borehole at Baalayir in 2017.

• Initiated Reading for Life project in two rural basic schools (Buo jhs & Koro jus) in 2022 and Donated 200 explorers reading, certificates, chalk and a bale of second hands clothes to two rural basics with support from necessary Aid Alliance, ELFA foundation.

• Supported 8 vulnerable families with animals to rear from 2017-2023.

• 35 adolescents trained on digital skills with support from Necessary Aid Alliance and Plan International Ghana.

• Paid and renewed 154 medical bills and national health insurance of vulnerable clients in collaboration with the medical reformists Ghana and Vodafone Foundation Ghana,2020-2022.

• Renewed the health insurance of TB client and referred for further care-2023.